Monday, October 29, 2007

This is My Life!!

I was busy cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast...the girls had scattered and I was starting to wonder what everyone was up to! Maddie had made her way to the TV and Ava and Nora had made their way to the bathroom and by the time i had gotten to them they had makeup all over themselves. I thought oh good thankfully it's all in the bath tub. But then I went into my bedroom where Maddie was watching TV seeming oblivious to all that was going on and I noticed that there was lipstick smeared all over the TV and all over my bed sheets!!! And did I mention that in 5 mins I was having company for a play group at my house! So I cleaned the girls off and shut the bathroom door and put a smile on my face just in time to welcome our first guests! The mess waited until later and I thought to myself This is my Life....and I wouldn't change it for the world!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today Art and I celebrate 6 happy years of marriage!!! We went out last night and had fun looking back over our memories from the last 6 years!!! It's amazing how fast time passes!! It seems like only yesterday we were meeting for the first time. And now here we are a family with three beautiful daughters!!! SO today I am thankful for a loving husband who ALWAYS takes care of me, and is an AMAZING dad!! I am looking forward to many more years to come!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Our Little Zoo!

We are all so excited for Halloween!!!! I love these costumes I found for the girls!!!